Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wedding Crashers

Our wedding was so beautiful and awesome that we had two groups of crashers.

First, I saw this guy in a red hat walking around and I knew he wasn't invited. I grabbed Rex and went up to him and his friend. I was like, "Hey, we don't know you. What are you doing?" and he replied with, "Yeah, we were invited by some guy. We are staying at that house two doors down." Hmmm. I was skeptical but since we are really cool  (and there was a possibility that someone we knew actually had invited them) we went ahead and let them stay for awhile.

Rex's cousin Kim with the crashers:

Later, my uncle comes up to me and says there's a surprise for me at the fire. I walk over there and see a guy dressed like Captain Jack Sparrow. After he kissed my hand he insisted I punch him in his cod piece. I did. It. was. hilarious.

This is him blowing his horn as loud and as long as he could. Such a nice gift.

Haha. He was tiny.

Yeah, the pictures are blurry because I was using my phone.

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